Patrons who reside in the Wayne County Public Library service area (excluding the Orrville School District) and who are unable to use the library’s buildings or bookmobiles due to temporary or long-term illness or injury, disability or limited mobility, or patrons with limited or no access to transportation may be candidates for Home Delivery Service.
How it Works
Materials for patrons are selected by our staff. Library materials are then delivered free of charge to the patron’s home. Staff may retain lists of materials that have been sent to avoid repetition. These lists are confidential and are only used for making appropriate selections.
Contactless deliveries are scheduled on a regular, monthly basis. These times are scheduled in advance. You do not have to be home to take advantage of this service but you are responsible for the items after they are dropped off and for items left outside your residence waiting for pick up.
Getting Started
Contact the Assistant Manager of Circulation Services at 330.804.4662. You will need to fill out a short application that includes information about your reading, listening, or viewing interests. You will then be assigned a library staff member.
Hartzler Home Delivery Fund
Home Delivery Service is made possible, in part, through the Hartzler Home Delivery Fund. For more information regarding Fund donations, please contact the Fiscal Office at 330.804.4680.